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Collingwood Area
Community Today!

Welcome to Collingwood Area School

Connecting to others, our environment and the future.
Te whanaungatanga ki te tangata, te taio, te anamata hoki.

Principal's Welcome

Ko Whakamarama te maunga e haumaru ana i te whenua
Ko Aorere te wai tapu
Nō Aotearoa ōku tūpuna
Nō Mohua au
E mihi ana ki ngā tangata whenua o tēnei rohe
Kei Aorere tōku papa kainga
Ko Campbell Dixon taku tane
Ko Daniel, Chloe, Holly āku tamariki
Ko Mel Dixon au

I am privileged to lead Collingwood Area School into 2025, a year filled with promise and opportunity. This is a school with a strong identity and culture, built on the values of manaakitanga, ako and kaitiakitanga.

Nestled in a unique setting, we overlook the magnificent Whakamarama Range, with a catchment of whānau spanning from the West Coast to Tasman Bay. Our inclusive and connected learning community caters to students from New Entrants through to Year 13, fostering a sense of belonging and achievement at every level. We pride ourselves on our strong sense of Tuakana Teina.

2025 is a pivotal year for our Kura as we continue to embed our new vision and values, a guiding framework developed through significant community engagement over the past years. This vision represents our shared aspirations and our commitment to shaping the future:

Connecting to others, our environment, and the future
Te whanaungatanga ki te tangata, te taiao, te anamata hoki

Our new Kura has been designed to embrace its spectacular natural surroundings, offering breathtaking views of Whakamarama, the Ruataniwha Estuary, and glimpses of Onetahua Farewell Spit. The internal spaces of the Kura reflect our values of connectivity, flexibility, and comfort, creating an environment that inspires both learning and collaboration.

As we move forward, we are excited to work together to ensure that Collingwood Area School continues to flourish as a place where learning, connection, and opportunity thrive.

Ngā mihi nui,
Mel Dixon

Melissa Dixon


Collingwood Area School

Kia ora tātou

Greetings All

Ko Whakamārama te maunga

Whakamārama is our mountain range

Ko Aorere te awa

Aorere is our river

Ko Te Tai Tapu te moana

Te Tai Tapu or Westhaven, is our ocean

Ko Te Waikoropūpū te puna waiora

Te Waikoropūpū is our spring of wellbeing

Ko Mohua te takiwa

Mohua or Golden Bay, is our area

Ko Onetahua te marae

Onetahua is our marae

Ko Te Ātiawa, Ko Ngati Tama, Ko Ngati Rārua ngā iwi I te wāhi e noho ana mātou

Te Ātiawa, Ngati Tama and Ngati Rārua are our local tribes

Ko te kura o Aorere, Tihei mauri ora!

This is where our school belongs; it is what binds us together.

Our Learning


At Collingwood Area School we embrace the unique nature of our environment and we are committed to fostering a learning environment that inspires our tamariki. We are able to offer a variety of learning opportunities for the needs of all our students from New Entrants to Year 14.

Our Primary syndicate (Year 0 – 8) has small class sizes and a low teacher/pupil ratio. This allows us to build great relationships and focus upon raising achievement for all our students. Our staff are highly qualified and place a high value on education and emotional well being.

Our Secondary Syndicate (Year 8 – 14) students have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects with Specialist staff within school and they also have the opportunity to partake in Distance Learning Options such as Te Kura, Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) and many other providers. This allows us to provide all the courses and subjects required by our students for whichever pathway they may wish to embark on. We have very strong academic results enabling our students to move onto Tertiary education at University or Polytechnics. We run an active Gateway programme and our Coordinator works closely with the local community.




Monday, February 10

Week Two
All Day

Wednesday, February 12

Beach Day
All Day

Monday, February 17

Week Three
All Day

Tuesday, February 18

Senior Swimming Sports
All Day

Friday, February 21

Trades Academy
All Day

Collingwood Area School