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Welcome to Collingwood Area School

Connecting to others, our environment and the future.
Te whanaungatanga ki te tangata, te taio, te anamata hoki.

Principal's Welcome

Kia Ora te whānau o te kura o Aorere.
Ko Moketapu te Maunga
Ko Maitahi te awa
Ko Aorere te Moana
Ko Ben Gully Taku papa
Ko Shirley Fulford Taku mama
Ko Kate Gully toku wahine
Ko Jessica Gully toku tamariki
Ko Jack Gully toku tamariki
Ko William toku mokopuna
Ko Hugh Gully ahau

It is a great honour to be leading Collingwood Area School into the next phase of our journey. It is a school with a strong identity and culture evidenced by manaakitanga (respect and caring) and whanaungatanga (relationships).

We are positioned in a unique setting overlooking the magnificent Whakamaramara Range with a catchment of whanau that come from as far as the West Coast to Tasman Bay. Our cohort includes New Entrants to Year 13.

This is a milestone year for our Kura with the completion of the new school. More importantly it is the year where we begin to embed our new vision which was initiated with considerable community engagement over 2022 and 2023, now is the time to embed this:
Connecting to others, our environment and the future
Te whanaungatanga ki te tangata, te taio, te anamata hoki

The new Kura has been built to afford spectacular views of Whakamarama , Ruataniwha estuary and glimpses of Onetahua Farewell Spit. Our tamariki travel from as far as the West Coast, to the Aorere Valley and coastal areas Onekaka to Pūponga. The internal spaces portray connectivity, flexibility and comfort.

Hugh Gully


Collingwood Area School

Kia ora tātou

Greetings All

Ko Whakamārama te maunga

Whakamārama is our mountain range

Ko Aorere te awa

Aorere is our river

Ko Te Tai Tapu te moana

Te Tai Tapu or Westhaven, is our ocean

Ko Te Waikoropūpū te puna waiora

Te Waikoropūpū is our spring of wellbeing

Ko Mohua te takiwa

Mohua or Golden Bay, is our area

Ko Onetahua te marae

Onetahua is our marae

Ko Te Ātiawa, Ko Ngati Tama, Ko Ngati Rārua ngā iwi I te wāhi e noho ana mātou

Te Ātiawa, Ngati Tama and Ngati Rārua are our local tribes

Ko te kura o Aorere, Tihei mauri ora!

This is where our school belongs; it is what binds us together.

Our Learning


At Collingwood Area School we embrace the unique nature of our environment and we are committed to fostering a learning environment that inspires our tamariki. We are able to offer a variety of learning opportunities for the needs of all our students from New Entrants to Year 14.

Our Primary syndicate (Year 0 – 8) has small class sizes and a low teacher/pupil ratio. This allows us to build great relationships and focus upon raising achievement for all our students. Our staff are highly qualified and place a high value on education and emotional well being.

Our Secondary Syndicate (Year 8 – 14) students have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects with Specialist staff within school and they also have the opportunity to partake in Distance Learning Options such as Te Kura, Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) and many other providers. This allows us to provide all the courses and subjects required by our students for whichever pathway they may wish to embark on. We have very strong academic results enabling our students to move onto Tertiary education at University or Polytechnics. We run an active Gateway programme and our Coordinator works closely with the local community.




Wednesday, October 23

Careers Workshop at Garin College
All Day

Friday, October 25

Movie night - Formal Committee
All Day

Saturday, October 26

All Day

Sunday, October 27

All Day

Monday, October 28

All Day

Collingwood Connect

Collingwood Area School